Thursday, October 17, 2019

Terrorism Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Terrorism - Assignment Example It surely leads to its participation in every activity in the world. The fact that the USA interfered greatly into the inner policy of Iraqi and Afghanistan before the terrorist attack 11/9 is obvious. The USA possesses enough military force and power to destroy any enemy on its way. The thing is that there is no justification of the attacks that took place on that blue day, but it is possible to seek for the real reasons that forced Muslim terrorists to act in such a way. It is important to find this reason in order to understand the acts of Muslims if it is possible and do something to stop terrorist attacks, which ruin the life of hundreds people all over the world. First, Iraqi has always been at feud with Israel. Israel in its turn is directly protected by the USA. That is why the USA found it possible to introduce its army on the territory of Iraq and Afghanistan. The main mistake of the USA that it considered itself to be invulnerable for the enemies’ blow. It must be m entioned, that it has always been true. The September attack is the most violent and impudent among all those attempts of the terrorists to take revenge.

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