Wednesday, October 2, 2019

My City on the Mountain :: Personal Narrative College Flagstaff Essays

My City on the Mountain Flagstaff, Arizona to me has been â€Å"The City on the Hill† with its seemingly beautiful light shining down on to me in the Valley of the Sun. I have planned my get away up the mountain (as Phoenicians refer to going to Flagstaff) as long as I can remember. Ever since I was old enough to know what a college really was I have known I was going to be attending Northern Arizona University in the fall of 2004. The thought of cool mountain air blowing against my face each morning, sure made the wall of heat that actually surrounded my body each time I stepped out side seem unbearable. Living in a place with pine tree and four seasons filled my every dream. Northern Arizona University was to be my escape from Chandler and my place for a new start. Once there I expected to find new friends, new and better classes, and a place where I could spread my wings. When the day finally came to make my big move to Flagstaff, I was more nervous than I ever imagined was possible. Questions continually came to mind. What if I forgot something important from my room? What if I didn’t like my roommate? What if I did not make friends? And the what-if’s didn’t end there, but they were softened when I finally reached campus and was warmly welcomed by those who had moved in before me. Yet, the fears of actual friendship loomed in the back of my mind. As welcome week progressed I was able to start to meet people more and more like me. Although at times it seemed unbearably hard being as shy as I can be. Through each activity I was involved in I met people I liked, and even some that really were not the type of people I was interested in. Dreams of friends were becoming a reality and the fears in the back of my mind were slowly being quieted.

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