Friday, October 18, 2019

Description Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Description - Essay Example Then I heard it, this shrilling scream of a young girl. I looked around and saw two kids tugging apart an iPad. The other one must be his brother, who looked older by two or three years. The mother tried to placate her children by promising that she would get her 4-year-old daughter her own iPad for Christmas. This scene surprised me because I have not considered how early materialism can shape children’s attitudes and behaviors, and it also shocked me because I cannot imagine why parents would give in so easily to their wailing children. A society that spoils their children with hypermaterialism spoils the future of their children. Hypermaterialism can be compared to an infectious disease; it usually spreads from parents to their children. I have to differentiate materialism, when people want the things they need but do not overly concern themselves with getting material things all the time, and hypermaterialism, when people always want more and more things, without ever thin king if they need them and if they can actually use them. The four-year old girl had curly blonde hair down to her shoulders. She looked chubby but not overweight, and she wore a pink Guess dress with Guess boots. She wore a golden bracelet and a golden necklace. The necklace had a golden locket. Golden star earrings donned her ears. I saw some faint make-up on because her pink cheeks had a glittery look and her lips had the same red hue as her mother’s. ... I saw two nannies at each side of the kid. They were both holding the kids back, or trying to, as the frantic mother pacified her children: â€Å"Ashley, okay, okay, I will buy you your iPad. It will be your early birthday gift, alright? This is your brother’s iPad, you gotta give that back to him!† Ashley answered through tearful eyes: â€Å"Promise Mommy? Okay, now I just want that pink ice cream over there.† The mother gave some money to one nanny and she hurried off. She gave the ice cream to Ashley, who immediately licked it. With a disgusted look, Ashley complained: â€Å"This is most awful!† And before the nanny knew what hit her, Ashley stuck the ice cream to her blouse and snickered. Her brother laughed while their mother suppressed a smile and said: â€Å"Ashley! Tina, go ahead and clean yourself up. Ashley, I’m never gonna buy you anything again!† Ashley looked at her mother and said: â€Å"That’s not true.† Then she walked away while the remaining nanny silently followed her. Parents cannot complain about the attitudes of their children if they are bad role models. If they cannot show their children how to value money properly, they will never value the things that are bought for them. Aside from learning the value of money, children need discipline and guidance to know how to treat others, especially to see others as human beings and not objects. Tina passed me by; I could smell the pink strawberries from her blouse. I remembered how much I liked strawberry ice cream with strawberry seeds that tickled my tongue, but this scene just ruined it for me. I saw her wiping her tears and felt sorry for her. If she is crying, she might be someone new to this household. If she is new, it means that nannies rarely stay long in this family. And something

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