Thursday, October 17, 2019

Evaluation Methods Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Evaluation Methods - Essay Example 1). Scientific Experimental Model The scientific experimental model is the most commonly used; it is normally applied in the field of social sciences. The main aim of the scientific experimental model is to assess the accuracy and objectivity of information generated. In addition, the strategy also involves assessing the impartiality and the validity of information. Evaluation in this model takes the form of experimental and non-experimental designs (Research Methods, 2012, para. 6). Management Oriented System Models The most widely used method in respect of the management oriented system models in the management of businesses and organizations includes Critical Path Method (CPM) and Program Evaluation and Review Technique (PERT). In addition, other method of management oriented system model that has been introduced by evaluators includes the UTOS. This acronym stands for Units, Treatment, Observation and Settings. Another model in this category is CIPP (context, input, process and p roduct). The main aim of management oriented systems models is to emphasize the suitability of an object within the framework of organizational activities. CIPP looks at the context in which the object operates, whether the environment is suitable or not, and the nature of effort required in using the object. An object is evaluated as being inefficient if the amount of input or resources put in place in operating is more and costly. Further, the process taken by the object to produce the goods or services must involve the least effort necessary as well as time. In the end, the product is evaluated on its usefulness to the society in general (Research Methods, 2012, para. 7). The main difference between the scientific experimental models and the management oriented models is in the discipline in which they are applied. Scientific experimental models are used in social sciences as well as in physical sciences to determine the accuracy of a given theory or scientific process as formula ted by scientists or theoreticians. The management oriented models are used by the managers in different organizations to assess the suitability of an object within the framework of organizational activities. However, these two strategies of evaluation can be used interchangeably (Research Methods, 2012, para. 8). Qualitative Models Qualitative models majorly dwell on the need for observations. They also involve the need to ensure that a given object retains its qualities for a longer period of time. The assessment is mainly centered on the subjective interpretation of an individual to the suitability and validity of a given object. Quality is the main measure while undertaking the evaluation process. Evaluators normally ensure that a given object conforms to the standards of operation without causing any dangers to the individuals concerned with its usage. Assessing the quality of the product is very important in knowing the strengths and weaknesses of a given product or service (R esearch Methods, 2012, para. 9). Participant Oriented Models Participant oriented models mainly concentrate on the participants. Participants include the clients and users of a given object. The evaluators seek to establish the effectiveness of a given product or service through the participants. The information concerning

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